AI technology will take human jobs

AI technology will take human jobs.

there are pros and cons about whether AI will rule the world or not on a site I visited that debated AI. There are several responses in general, there are 2 types of responses, some are of the opinion that AI technology will have consciousness and feel hatred and jealousy towards humans and some of them say that AI is nothing more than a technological machine that will not cause harm.

Meanwhile, the opposing opinion assumes: That AI will not have feelings of self-awareness because they are just machines made to obey the orders given and make the job easier and not "master" this world. Their assumption is not without reason, but according to them, this AI technology will really only follow what has become their goal, namely using their intelligence according to what humans need, this technology is just a machine and will not go crazy hating humans, this machine is just an inanimate object. animate.

"AI is essentially an applied technology that will serve our society. Humanistic AI not only raises awareness of the importance of technology. It is a very important way to attract a diverse student body of technology experts and innovators to participate"

Whatever it is, we are free to assume that in this case both pros and cons can occur "what we sow is what we will reap" what I mean is that whatever our actions are regarding this AI technology, that is the result we receive, both good and bad. So we need to be wise in acting and using AI technology.
                                              Ninyoman Lulu                                                Exposition text 

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